4 jobs I have had:
Taking my dirty clothes to the laundry room, Giving Sugar (our pet) her food, Cleaning up the living room, Picking up my toys
4 films I could watch over and over: Ratatouille, Night at the Museum, Ice Age and Ice Age 2
4 Places I have lived: Oklahoma City, OK; Topeka, KS; Aunt Mar and Uncle Wade's house in Bryan, TX, our house in Bryan, TX
4 Favorite TV shows: Full House, AFV, Crocodile Hunter, Snake Master
4 Favorite Foods: watermelon, pizza, mint chocolate chip ice cream, macaroni & cheese
4 Websites I visit everyday: I don't
4 Places I would love to be: OK City, OK; Bluefield, WV; Cracker Barrel, the pool
4 Favorite Colors: Red, Blue, Green, OU Crimson
4 of my heroes: Jesus, Daddy, Mommy, Mr. Brian (even though he tagged me.)
I tag Jenna, Justin F. (in Peru), and Kevin F. (also in Peru--Sorry Heather!) That's all.

I'm right there with you on 'America's Funniest Home Videos' but, Add--mint chocolate chip ice cream?! Dude, you need to get hip to cookie dough. Just when you think you know somebody! :)
This is Heather on John's computer - and we are just getting our "tagged" notices, so I'll get the boys on it tomorrow, special asap for you!And Jason wants an Add tag as well.
love ya!
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