Ayden and Asa both got tagged. Asa is probably a bit young for this game, but Ayden got to stay up a little later tonight to answer his "tag questions". Before he went off to bed, he said, "I love you mommy." I love you too Ayden.
4 jobs I have had:
Create anything I want, brush my teeth, do school, clean up
4 favorite movies:
Star Wars, Night at the Museum, Larry the Cucumber, Cars
4 Places I have lived:
OK City, OK; Aunt Marian and Uncle Wade's house; our house
4 Favorite TV shows:
Thomas, The Backyardigans, Go Diego Go
4 Favorite Foods:
starburst, apples, pizza, "pepperoni pizza--of course", ice water
4 Websites I visit everyday:
doesn't visit any
4 Places I would love to be:
"Let me think about that. . .Okahoma, to Aun Oui's house, and umm, the beach, and to Texas."
4 Favorite colors:
orange, blue, hot pink, yellow
4 of your heroes:
Superman, Rescue Dog ("I made him up."), "My dad is pretty cool," he said after I asked him if there might be anyone he already knows, that he looks up to, who he might want to be like when he grows up. "I don't know anyone like that." I responded, "What about your dad?" That's when he said, "I like my dad. . .my dad is pretty cool." Then he said the rescue heroes. Lastly, he said, "Mommy. I want to put mommy on the blog."
I want to tag Uncle Wade and our dad.
On another note, I absolutely love upside down pictures of children. Ones of my kids usually show them smiling or laughing and having a great time. Anyone else wanna share upside down pictures of their kids? If you don't have any, take some. And then post 'em, because I would love to see them. :) Thanks. I'll be checking. Here's a favorite of Asa and me.
hmmm...I think I have a picture of Jack upside down from recently. I thin I'll go look. Ayden looks cute with a buzz, btw.
I have a picture of me holding Ashlee upside down. (Don't get me started.)
I want to see Matt's picture of Ashlee upside down. :)
Thanks Ayden for answeing your questions - it was fun to read them! Love all the way from Peru!
You look really pretty in that upside down picture! I will wait a few more days before I hang Isaac by the toes, but I promise a picture is coming.
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