I tagged Kevin because it's really the only way you'll ever hear from him on a blog. I love him, but I think he'd agree with me saying that he's a blog snob.
4 jobs I have had:
Dishwasher, Deli Master, Overnight Stock Crew Leader, Overall Retail King
4 Films I could watch over and over:
It's a Wonderful Life, Caddyshack, Outlaw Josie Wales, Days of Thunder
4 Places I have lived:
Bluefield, WV; Bristol, TN; Oklahoma City, OK; Topeka, KS
4 Favorite TV shows:
MASH, Seinfeld, The Bob Newhart Show, Cheers
4 Favorite Foods:
steak & potato, pizza, ice cream, chicken fettucine alfredo
4 Websites I visit everyday:
NASCAR.com, ESPN.com, Bestbuy.com (for email)
4 Places I would love to be:
anywhere with my family
4 Favorite colors:
Petty blue, Earnhardt red, black and silver (Raiders colors)
4 names that you liked but could/would not use for your own children:
Templeton is the only one. He wanted Austin's middle name to be Templeton. I would not allow him to name our first-born (or any-born for that matter) after a rat. For those who haven't read Charlotte's Web, there is a rat in the book and his name is Templeton.
4 of your heroes:
Jesus, David, dad, Carl Duty
make sure the blog snob reads Jack's tag on my blog.
Nice boots blog snob. :)
Just couldn't resist!
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