Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I should have tagged Austin too. So Austin, tag you're it!

4 jobs I have had:
Feeding Sugar, Taking my dirty clothes to the laundry room, Cleaning up my room, Picking up my toys

4 films I could watch over and over: Glory Road, Miracle, Cars, National Treasure

4 Places I have lived: Bluefield, WV; South Williamson, KY; Oklahoma City, OK; Topeka, KS

4 Favorite TV shows: SportsCenter, PTI (Pardon The Interruption for those non-ESPN fans), Most Extreme on Animal Planet, AFV (America's Funniest Videos)

4 Favorite Foods: Bread, Mashed Potatoes, Spaghetti, Red Beans & Rice

4 Websites I visit everyday: Blogs that are linked to our blog

4 Places I would love to be: OK City, OK; Bluefield, WV; Houston Rockets basketball game; San Antonio Spurs basketball game

4 Favorite Colors: Blue, Green, Basketball Orange, Navy Orange

4 of my heroes: Jesus, Dad, Mr. Brian, Michael Jordan

I tag Mr. Josh (you can at least wait until you get back from your honeymoon), Mr. Brian, Mr. Matt, and Pastor Jon. (I would tag Mr. Eric, but I don't know if he reads our blog.) Even if you never answer the email questionaires, you need to do this...because as Jack A. would say, "I asked you nicely."


And for a picture of Jon, see the top of the previous post. He's pictured with his honey, Rachel. :)


ninepoundhammer said...

Okee-dokee, Austin. I'll make a special post to-day just for you! And, by the way, why am I NOT surprised that bread is listed on your favourite foods answer? :)

Kierstyn said...

Wow Austin, you like the carbs, don't you? :-) That 'a boy!