Rachel A. If you don't know what that is....someone (in this case Rachel A., pictured above with her man, Jon) tags you with a bunch of questions that you answer and then you tag other bloggers. Just a way to get people to divulge information about themselves and give those of us that like to blab something to blab about...or maybe I should say blog.
4 jobs I have had:
Here are my first 4 jobs I had: (1) cashier and general fast-food person at Bowincal's (similar to a DQ) in Cross Lanes, WV (Senior yr. in high school) (2) secretary at FMC Corp. in their Human Resources Dept. in Nitro, WV( Senior yr. in high school) (3) student worker in the library at King College, TN (college years)(4) secretary at Bluefield State College, Bluefield, WV (First job out of college)
4 films I could watch over and over: The Count of Monte Cristo, A Knight's Tale, The Princess Bride, Fletch
4 Places I have lived: Cross Lanes, WV; Virginia Beach, VA; Oklahoma City, OK; Topeka, KS
4 Favorite TV shows: Ellen, Gray's Anatomy, The Cosby Show, Fresh Prince of Bel Air
4 Favorite Foods: chocolate, mashed potatoes, steak, butterscotch pie from Pioneer Pies (OK City)
4 Websites I visit everyday: Blogs--Rachel's, Knox's, Janelle's, Lindsey's
4 Places I would love to be (besides sleeping): OK City, OK; Charles Town, WV; Richmond, VA; Cross Lanes, WV
4 Favorite Colors: Sky Blue, Navy Blue, Royal Blue, and Red
4 Names I love but would/could not use for my children: Avery, Brock, Olivia, Sarah
I tag Janelle, Sarah B., Lindsey and Jamison. (I would tag Marian, but she doesn't have a blog--hint, hint.) Even if you never answer the email questionaires, you need to do this...because as Jack A. would say, "I asked you nicely."

No where in the instructions did it say anything about posting pictures of the people who tag you! ;-)
What is it about cameras that makes folks' heads magnetically attracted to each other? :)
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