Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I could be way off base because I can only imagine what heaven will be like with my finite mind. But that being said, these are things I imagine I could do when I get there. . .

--I would love to dance before the LORD with all my might with David.

--I want to pray with my namesake and meet her son, Samuel.

--I want to meet my child, nieces, nephews, and sibling who all died in-utero.

--I want to take communion with Knox and Melanie.

--I want to walk with God and Enoch.

--Oh, to laugh with Isaac.

--I want to worship with Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo.

--I want to ride in Elijah's chariot of fire.

--I want to ask Mary what it was like being pregnant with Jesus.

--I want to tell Thomas that his doubt helped my doubt.

--I want to hold Esther's hand and tell her she is one of my heroes.

--I want to thank Paul for writing things down.

--I want to tell Jonathan that his friendship with David inspired me to be a better friend.

--I want to ask Job how he got through it--losing all of his children at one time.

--I want to meet Dennis and Sharon B. and see what a marriage in heaven looks like. I know it looks different than here, but how different?

--I want to ask James and John why they were called the "sons of thunder".

--Addison says he wants to meet Dale Earnhardt. I hope he's there.

--I want to meet Eve and see what God's definition of beauty is. I wonder if she had hips. :)

--Austin wants to ask Abraham how he found the courage to sacrifice his son. I want to know how he felt, in his words, when he saw the ram in the bushes.

--I want to encourage Barnabas; although, I doubt he'll need encouraging in heaven.

--Austin wonders how fresh the water is there.

--I want to ask Noah if his back ever hurt while he was building the ark and if his sons ever complained about all the work that was required of them. Did their wives ever "eat the bread of idleness"?

--I want to talk to Moses about crossing the Red Sea on dry land, seeing the burning bush and how he felt when he broke the 10 commandments (the actual stones).

--I want to taste manna.

--I want to hear Joshua tell the story of how the walls of Jericho fell down.

--So many saints that have gone on before me: Luther, Calvin, Isaiah, Jeremiah, the disciples, C. S. Lewis, Keith Green. . .the list goes on. They all lived during different times here and were bound by time, but now they celebrate together, in one accord. Amazing! I'm looking forward to it. . .more now than ever.


Kierstyn said...

Very cool thoughts!

I want to see who welcomes me. First and foremost, my Savior, but I imagine that there will be others. Who? Family, friends, family I've never met?

I look forward to seeing with new eyes, unveiled eyes.

I want to touch the scars that bought my place in Heaven.

And can you imagine the worship?!?!

Anonymous said...

Love what you wrote... what a blessing it will be to know our Lord fully and to completely experience the fullness of Him!

ninepoundhammer said...

I enjoyed your post--though it convicted me that I need to brush up on my Biblical history. As for Heaven, I certainly hope that all of my loved ones are there--but I'll probably be too busy praising God for letting a chief sinner like me in to notice!! :)