Have you ever been sucker-punched?
I feel like I get sucker-punched on a regular basis now. I'm goin' along, doin' ok, and then, BAM, the breath gets knocked right out of me. I'm standin' there, shakin' my head, "No" is all I can think. NOO!! I still want to bargain with God to somehow bring Knox back. Why this road Lord? Why this one? I still cannot believe he's gone, that he won't be coming back to the nursery or to co-op. I want to hold him again, make him laugh, give him back his paci, put his crocs on the right feet, put his little dog back in his diaper bag, and yes, change his diaper. Ugh, there it goes again. . .the breath right out of me.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Knox. Thank You for his life. . .for his grin. Thank You for his 17 1/2 months. Thank You for the time You gave us with him and that You gave me the privilege of being a part of his life. I don't understand Your ways Lord. I don't get it. I may never get it. And if I am feeling like this, how much more must his family be feeling? Lord Jesus, please comfort Jon and Rachel, Anne Michal, Lizzy, Emma and Jack. Hold their family close to Your heart. Give them the strength to walk through this Friday, the 13th. Carry them through to the 24th, and every day after that. Make Your presence known to them. Fix their eyes on You and knit their hearts together. Give them a spirit of unity amongst themselves as they follow You so that with one heart and mouth they may glorify You. Only You can bring them through this. Only You can bring us all through this. I ask for healing and rest, comfort and laughter, and whatever else You know they/we need. You are our God. We are Your people. We are only able to walk this path with You as our stronghold. So Lord, we hold strongly to You, even if we don't know exactly what that looks like, please work through our feeble attempts. Help us in our struggle, in our unbelief. Hear the groans of our hearts, for they are meant for Your ears. It is You we seek. Please forgive our sins and sanctify us through and through. Your people need You. We need You. I love You and I praise You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Father God,thank you for being our Father. Thank you for knowing our hearts even more than we do. Please read the hearts of my friends who are struggling today... the Andersons, the Ayers, the Colemans... I know you love them, and can meet their needs.
I praise you for being sovereign, for being loving. We love you, and trust in your sovereignty even when we don't understand.
Comfort your people. Amen
That's awesome Mrs. Hannah. I feel the same way, and I know that Mrs. Rachael and so many others do to. You, Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Rachael are great people and awesome mothers, I'm sure that God will bless you richly. Love ya
Just want you to remember that I am praying for you as I pray for Marian and Rachel, Jon and all the kids. It is a hard, hard road and you are walking it with great faith - whether you feel like you are or not. I love you friend.
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