Saturday, July 28, 2007


I wrote this at a different time in my life when I was coming out of a (2+ year) struggle. . .out of the rain, so to speak. I went looking for it today, as I thought it might help me to remember the Hope I had then. It is still the same Hope I have today. God felt silent through much of that time also, but I know He was there, working in me, and making me more of who He wanted me to be. It is because He brought me through that time, that I trust Him to bring me through this time also.

Rain. . .God's tears causing growth.
Rain. . .time lingers and healing is slow.
Getting by. . .holding on. . .clinging to Jesus
Nowhere to run. . .pressing forward. . .crying hopelessly, helplessly
Grasping and waiting.
A dim light appears. . .Yes, it grows brighter.
My tired hands find strength to hold on a little tighter.
The rain is slowing.
Clouds are clearing.
A hint of sunshine breaks through.
The sign of a lasting promise encompasses the sky.
A kind-hearted Father holds me close.
I cling to Him with awe and wonder.
No word is spoken. . .only the silent healing of the broken.
Tears streaming down my face. . .Amazed at how He could love me so,
I thank Him for my rainbow.

1 comment:

Helen said...

I'm glad that hopelessness is a legitimate feeling for a Christian. Sometimes that's just where you are. I'm also glad that God never leaves us there.