The number 1 reason I love my church. . .
I should have included my pastors in my many reasons for loving Westminster. Wade, Jon, Ryan and John F. love the LORD and it is evident in their speech, actions and in their lives. When they preach, they preach God's word and present it in truth and love. They don't claim to be inerrent, but they claim God's word to be. What a blessing to be a part of God's body with such Godly leadership!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
OK, Kierstyn tagged me. . .
or maybe I should say that Micah tagged me. Anyway, I'm supposed to list 8 random things about me. So, here goes. . .
1. I was a cheerleader from 3rd grade through college and served as my squad's captain my senior year at King. My record number of backhandsprings in a row across the floor was 8.
2. I got a tattoo on my 30th birthday with one of my good friends from college. Here's a shout out to Dara! I have told my children that when they turn 30, they may get one too.
3. When I was born, my legs were deformed. It was one way in which my father could tell Marian and I apart. When I began walking the doctors prescribed braces for my legs. My parents watched me try to maneuver in them for a day and they said it broke their hearts. They prayed and felt like God told them He would heal me through my infant baptism. I never wore the braces again. They had me baptized and made me wear my shoes on the wrong feet for a while. They knew God had healed me one day when my mom walked into the living room and asked my dad if he had seen Marian. He replied, "She just walked down the hall." When mom went to check, she found me at the end of the hall and yelled back to tell dad that it was me. He said that he thought it was Marian because of how well I had walked.
4. My dad called Marian and me "babe" while we were growing up because he couldn't tell us apart. We tease him now by saying that he can tell our husbands apart.
5. The first time I saw Kevin, I felt that I would marry him.
6. My first pregnancy was a tubal pregnancy and it exploded in my right tube. Kevin says he was anxiously awaiting throughout the surgery to hear how it was going and when the doctor came out, he was walking down the hall, shaking his head and looking down. Kevin then was expecting the worst. The doc told him, "We couldn't save the tube." Kev replied that he didn't care about the tube, he just wanted to know how his wife was. Doc said something like, "Oh she's fine, but she only has one tube. Prepare yourself. Quite likely, you may never have children."
7. I have begun training for a marathon 4 different times. Each time I stopped because I got pregnant.
8. Besides cheerleading, growing up I was a member of a jump rope team in elementary school, played 3rd base for the Docs in little league softball, swam backstroke, butterfly and IM (Individual Medley) for the local swim team and played one year of volleyball at Andrew Jackson Junior High. (Go Raiders!) Our High School's name was/is Nitro High School and our biggest football rival was/is Poca High School. Their mascot is a dot--I kid you not--a big red dot. They are the Poca Dots. Ahhh, West Virginia. I do love it!!
If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged. Hee hee.
The other day I posted pictures of Cara Beth, because she's such a cutie and I love her so. Well, I love these 3 boys too. Joshua, Christopher and Micah, I'm so glad I get to be your aunt. You continually bless me with your spunk and spirit. What delightful nephews you are!
or maybe I should say that Micah tagged me. Anyway, I'm supposed to list 8 random things about me. So, here goes. . .
1. I was a cheerleader from 3rd grade through college and served as my squad's captain my senior year at King. My record number of backhandsprings in a row across the floor was 8.
2. I got a tattoo on my 30th birthday with one of my good friends from college. Here's a shout out to Dara! I have told my children that when they turn 30, they may get one too.
3. When I was born, my legs were deformed. It was one way in which my father could tell Marian and I apart. When I began walking the doctors prescribed braces for my legs. My parents watched me try to maneuver in them for a day and they said it broke their hearts. They prayed and felt like God told them He would heal me through my infant baptism. I never wore the braces again. They had me baptized and made me wear my shoes on the wrong feet for a while. They knew God had healed me one day when my mom walked into the living room and asked my dad if he had seen Marian. He replied, "She just walked down the hall." When mom went to check, she found me at the end of the hall and yelled back to tell dad that it was me. He said that he thought it was Marian because of how well I had walked.
4. My dad called Marian and me "babe" while we were growing up because he couldn't tell us apart. We tease him now by saying that he can tell our husbands apart.
5. The first time I saw Kevin, I felt that I would marry him.
6. My first pregnancy was a tubal pregnancy and it exploded in my right tube. Kevin says he was anxiously awaiting throughout the surgery to hear how it was going and when the doctor came out, he was walking down the hall, shaking his head and looking down. Kevin then was expecting the worst. The doc told him, "We couldn't save the tube." Kev replied that he didn't care about the tube, he just wanted to know how his wife was. Doc said something like, "Oh she's fine, but she only has one tube. Prepare yourself. Quite likely, you may never have children."
7. I have begun training for a marathon 4 different times. Each time I stopped because I got pregnant.
8. Besides cheerleading, growing up I was a member of a jump rope team in elementary school, played 3rd base for the Docs in little league softball, swam backstroke, butterfly and IM (Individual Medley) for the local swim team and played one year of volleyball at Andrew Jackson Junior High. (Go Raiders!) Our High School's name was/is Nitro High School and our biggest football rival was/is Poca High School. Their mascot is a dot--I kid you not--a big red dot. They are the Poca Dots. Ahhh, West Virginia. I do love it!!
If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged. Hee hee.
The other day I posted pictures of Cara Beth, because she's such a cutie and I love her so. Well, I love these 3 boys too. Joshua, Christopher and Micah, I'm so glad I get to be your aunt. You continually bless me with your spunk and spirit. What delightful nephews you are!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I love my church. . .
I love the sisterhood I feel with women of all ages: Andrea, Victoria, Dayna, Elise, Steffanie, Leslie, Katharine, Janelle, Hannah, Ashlee, Jamison, Kierstyn, Suzy, Wendy, Debbie, Jorja, LuAnn, Peggy, Carol, Sandy. I could go on and on.

I love that it IS a family. God, in His word, calls us to weep with those who weep and to rejoice with those who rejoice. Currently we are weeping with Jon and Rachel and their children and rejoicing with Michael and Christi.
I love that we agree in prayer for one another: Delores and Walt, Jack and Madeline
I love that we have the same hope of eternity with Jesus and those who have gone on before us: Knox, Ruth, Virginia.
I love our community group: Kenny, Jorja, Ethan, Katherine, Matt, Ashlee, Gracie Mae, Cody, Sarah. Talk about great fellowship! Anyone else wanna join us?
I love that Brian and Janelle will disciple and (continue to) love my kids when they get to be a part of the youth group. . .if it is the Lord's will for Brian and Janelle to stay with us that long. I hope it is in His plan.

I love Sunday lunches with my sister and her family, Patricia, Joshua and Hannah, Brian and Janelle, Matt, Ashlee and Gracie Mae, Michael, Andrew, Jamison and Isaac, Mark and LuAnn, and a few others who make appearances on a semi-regular basis: Eric and Theresa, Amanda
I love all those covenant children. I'm afraid to start naming them all for fear I'll leave someone out. You parents know who I'm talking about.

I love that my husband has true friendships: Wade, Jon, John, Norval, Bo. I'm sure I'm missing a few.

One of the things I hate though is saying goodbye. It seems we've had too many goodbyes lately. Although we still hold the Kents, Fergusons, Newcomers, Gallaghers, Whites and Dunlaps in our hearts and our prayers, it just hurts to let them go. We miss you.
I love the sisterhood I feel with women of all ages: Andrea, Victoria, Dayna, Elise, Steffanie, Leslie, Katharine, Janelle, Hannah, Ashlee, Jamison, Kierstyn, Suzy, Wendy, Debbie, Jorja, LuAnn, Peggy, Carol, Sandy. I could go on and on.
I love that it IS a family. God, in His word, calls us to weep with those who weep and to rejoice with those who rejoice. Currently we are weeping with Jon and Rachel and their children and rejoicing with Michael and Christi.
I love that we agree in prayer for one another: Delores and Walt, Jack and Madeline
I love that we have the same hope of eternity with Jesus and those who have gone on before us: Knox, Ruth, Virginia.
I love our community group: Kenny, Jorja, Ethan, Katherine, Matt, Ashlee, Gracie Mae, Cody, Sarah. Talk about great fellowship! Anyone else wanna join us?
I love that Brian and Janelle will disciple and (continue to) love my kids when they get to be a part of the youth group. . .if it is the Lord's will for Brian and Janelle to stay with us that long. I hope it is in His plan.
I love Sunday lunches with my sister and her family, Patricia, Joshua and Hannah, Brian and Janelle, Matt, Ashlee and Gracie Mae, Michael, Andrew, Jamison and Isaac, Mark and LuAnn, and a few others who make appearances on a semi-regular basis: Eric and Theresa, Amanda
I love all those covenant children. I'm afraid to start naming them all for fear I'll leave someone out. You parents know who I'm talking about.
I love that my husband has true friendships: Wade, Jon, John, Norval, Bo. I'm sure I'm missing a few.
One of the things I hate though is saying goodbye. It seems we've had too many goodbyes lately. Although we still hold the Kents, Fergusons, Newcomers, Gallaghers, Whites and Dunlaps in our hearts and our prayers, it just hurts to let them go. We miss you.
Cara Beth hates to have her hair up.
She usually has it down within seconds of it being fixed. One afternoon when she was with me, I attempted to fix her locks so that they would be out of her eyes. I think she left her "pig" tails in for a record 5+ minutes. In that short amount of time, I was able to snap a few shots of her in her Tennessee Vols cheerleading uniform--very cute Cara B! Sorry that they are blurry. . .I haven't figured out Austin's camera yet. I should have had him take them. Anyway, I love my niece. She is such a blessing and a joy to our hearts. Here, she and Asa were playing/sharing (maybe 'not sharing' would be a more appropriate way to say it) an old cell phone in Asa's room. I love that they already love each other like brother and sister. I hope and pray that they'll always be close.

She usually has it down within seconds of it being fixed. One afternoon when she was with me, I attempted to fix her locks so that they would be out of her eyes. I think she left her "pig" tails in for a record 5+ minutes. In that short amount of time, I was able to snap a few shots of her in her Tennessee Vols cheerleading uniform--very cute Cara B! Sorry that they are blurry. . .I haven't figured out Austin's camera yet. I should have had him take them. Anyway, I love my niece. She is such a blessing and a joy to our hearts. Here, she and Asa were playing/sharing (maybe 'not sharing' would be a more appropriate way to say it) an old cell phone in Asa's room. I love that they already love each other like brother and sister. I hope and pray that they'll always be close.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Thanks Kierstyn for this little handy thing. . .
Austin looks more like. . .

Try not to say, "I told you so" Matt Lee!
But then again. . .

maybe he does look more like his daddy! :)
Addison looks more like. . .

I was right about this one :)
Anna-Kate looks more like. . .

I figured on this one too. :)
Ayden looks more like. . .

Everyone knows Ayden looks just like his daddy!
Asa looks more like. . .

This one surprised me too.
So, I tried it again. This time he looked more like. . .

both of us! :)
Hmmm, I suppose if you did this enough times you could get the meter to say whatever you think it should say.
Austin looks more like. . .
Try not to say, "I told you so" Matt Lee!
But then again. . .
maybe he does look more like his daddy! :)
Addison looks more like. . .
I was right about this one :)
Anna-Kate looks more like. . .
I figured on this one too. :)
Ayden looks more like. . .
Everyone knows Ayden looks just like his daddy!
Asa looks more like. . .
This one surprised me too.
So, I tried it again. This time he looked more like. . .
both of us! :)
Hmmm, I suppose if you did this enough times you could get the meter to say whatever you think it should say.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Thirty-eight and still identical. . .

Can you tell who is who? The "identical" is in question, though it may be difficult to believe. Tests taken after birth say we are fraternal. My mom says they were having a big Christmas party in labor and delivery that night so she wouldn't trust any test comin' outta there. Secondly, Marian had all four wisdom teeth, I only had two. This just further supports the previous test taken after birth. Marian chooses to ignore the tests and says, "Look at us! We are identical!" Are there any experts out there who know for sure? Are we or aren't we identical?

Can you tell who is who? The "identical" is in question, though it may be difficult to believe. Tests taken after birth say we are fraternal. My mom says they were having a big Christmas party in labor and delivery that night so she wouldn't trust any test comin' outta there. Secondly, Marian had all four wisdom teeth, I only had two. This just further supports the previous test taken after birth. Marian chooses to ignore the tests and says, "Look at us! We are identical!" Are there any experts out there who know for sure? Are we or aren't we identical?
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Another Asa moment. . .
Kevin came home for a brief second or two, before heading back to work. He was closing, but on his lunch break he graced us with his presence. He had gone to the store for diapers and wipes and dropped them off for me. We all got to hug his neck and shower him with kisses. He was on his way back out the door when Asa grabbed him by the leg and held on for dear life, begging, "Not go daddy! Not go!" Oh, I know how you feel Asa! I love that he loves his daddy so.

Kevin came home for a brief second or two, before heading back to work. He was closing, but on his lunch break he graced us with his presence. He had gone to the store for diapers and wipes and dropped them off for me. We all got to hug his neck and shower him with kisses. He was on his way back out the door when Asa grabbed him by the leg and held on for dear life, begging, "Not go daddy! Not go!" Oh, I know how you feel Asa! I love that he loves his daddy so.
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