Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another Sarah update. . .

The doctors have changed their original diagnosis of viral meningitis to bacterial meningitis. At least they think it is bacterial. They had to take some cultures and those results take a few days to get back, so as a precautionary measure, they went ahead and treated her with antibiotics. She has responded well to them. She is "herself" today and Derek said it "was very good to 'see' her." He said she doesn't remember anything about yesterday, other than the beginning moments in the emergency room.

Bacterial meningitis is usually much more serious than the viral kind, because it takes so long to diagnose. It often looks like many different things i.e. the flu. But because Sarah had been on antibiotics a week ago, they said that really helped her in the long run.

She is still in the ICU, but they are going to move her to a regular room later today. Derek said they will probably let her go home tomorrow (Friday).

We love you Sarah!


ninepoundhammer said...

Well, I'm still praying...

Kierstyn said...

Wow! A lot has been going on, so I will hit my knees for your sister. Meningitis is no fun (hear the voice of experience?) but I'm so thankful to hear she's now doing okay, and how amazing to see how God has worked!

Anonymous said...

I love you Hannah. Thank you, Sarah