Friday, September 12, 2008

I apologize

for being gone so long. We went away on vacation and when we came back, our computer had died. For almost 2 months we have been computer-free. Sure I've missed checking blogs, facebook, email and the news, but a new "normalcy" has crept up on me. I CAN live life without a computer and I was a much more productive mom too. Living without a computer means starting school on time, not after checking blogs; washing dishes during lunch and folding a load of laundry during a small break. It means I spend more time with my kids instead of telling them to hold on while I finish reading something of less importance.

On the other hand, it meant that Marian had to print up all the important homeschool emails and hand deliver them and many "important" emails just sat in our inbox. It meant that Austin had to hand-write his paper in writing and if I wanted to check up on blogs, facebook, etc. I had to do it at Marian's in all of my "spare" time.

Anyway, thanks to Eric & Theresa (who got a new computer and practically gave us their old one) we are online again. Thanks guys.

So much has happened since I last posted and I have tons to share, but I'm not sure where to start. AND it's getting late and Hurricane Ike is headed this way, so Lord willin', I'll post something new tomorrow or the next day, or whenever I can get around to it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!