What a Big Week!On Wednesday, Asa went all day without his pacifier and I decided that if he didn't ask for it at bedtime, I wouldn't offer. He didn't ask. I didn't offer. He went the whole next day without it and then right before bedtime on Thursday, he said, "Where's my paci?" Kevin picked him up and distracted him for a few minutes and then he was off to bed without it and he hasn't asked for it since. So for the first time in 12 years, we are paci-free! Amazing!
Also on Wednesday afternoon, Anna-Kate asked me if she could get her ears pierced. Kevin and I had decided long ago, that when she was old enough to ask about it, we'd discuss it then. Well, she did ask a few years ago, but she didn't pursue it, so we let it go. But this week, after 2 days of persistent asking from her, Kev & I sat down with her and talked to her about the pros and cons and we stressed to her that it would hurt, possibly alot. She was not discouraged in the least. Therefore, we told her that she could. So on Friday afternoon, we headed to the mall and she got her ears pierced. I was very proud of how well she did. Kevin and I were both holding back tears, but she didn't shed even one. (Aunt Mar took pictures, but I haven't downloaded them yet. They're forthcoming.) The earrings she chose were/are very pretty and she looks so beautiful and well, grown up. How did that happen so fast?
Then tonight, I was praying with Anna-Kate when the boys got out of the shower. I heard Austin take Asa into my bedroom where Ace would wait for me to put his diaper and pajamas on him. As soon as Anna-Kate said, "Amen", I kissed her and told her I needed to go help Asa get dressed. When I got into my room, Austin was finishing up with Asa's diaper. I couldn't believe my eyes. Austin had put Asa's diaper on him. I told him how proud I was of him and that now I could count on his help in the diaper changing department. He did not like that idea and told me to forget I had ever seen him do it. Of course I told him I was only kidding, but it was a fun moment for me to see him helping me without being asked.
Ahhh (sigh). . .what a good day. God is good.