Addison & Anna-Kate celebrated their birthdays this past weekend. Anna-Kate turned 8 on Saturday and Addison turned 10 on Sunday. We decided, in our true fashion, at the last minute, to have a pool party. We decided at 1:00 on Saturday afternoon to have it at 5:00 that evening. I had been thinking of putting it off for a week, but then realized that we already have plans next weekend, so we made a few phone calls, gathered up as many of our friends who could be as spontaneous as we are, and we met together to celebrate two beautiful children.
I love you Addison. I cannot believe you are 10! You are a delightful son and it is a joy being your mother. You are intelligent, creative, obedient, hard-working and a wonderful addition to our family. I'm so glad God blessed us with your presence. Happy birthday son.
I love you too Anna-Kate. How did you get to be 8 so quickly? I love your sweet laughter and tender heart. You are smart, beautiful (on the inside & out), artistic, genuine, and eager to please. Our home is more well-rounded with you in it. You are a blessing and I'm glad to be your mom. Happy birthday beautiful.
Here are a few more shots from our evening at the pool. . .
Anna-Kate & Lizzie
Christopher, Kenneth & Addison
A self-portrait of Ayden & me
Anne Michal
And my very favorite from the day. . .
I posted the rest on my facebook page. It's much easier to post them there than it is here. So if you feel a need to see the rest, you can check them out there.
Hello! How did I not know you're on facebook. Oh and of course, Happy Birthday to your beautiful children. It's so fun to see other families pull things off last minute. I love spontaneity!
Happy Birthday Addison and Anna-Kate! I love you both so very much. What a joy and privilege to have you living so close by! You both are growing up so handsomely and beautifully. Happy Birthday!
Hi, I stumbled upon your blog from Kierstyn Krajca's. She's a good friend I taught with in Bryan. Anyway, I noticed in your blog roll you have "dabney cousins" listed. Dabney was my maiden name and I don't really know many others, so it piqued my interest!
Thanks for leaving a comment explaining the "Dabney" in your family. How ironic...I grew up Presbyterian, as well, in Uvalde, Texas, Southwest of San Antonio. My dad's name is Ray Dabney and his father was Walter Davis Dabney, Jr. I know our Dabney's were from Georgia (at least we think) but don't know much about the family from there because my grandfather was adopted so we have no records of the Dabney's beyond him. I have an uncle, Walter Davis Dabney III who lives in Austin. The only other Dabney I ever knew of (didn't actually know him), was another Dabney at A&M while I was in college. I have a brother, Will Dabney and his wife Amy. They live in Washington State, and I have two other female cousins with the last name Dabney. That's the extent of our Dabney's. Great "meeting" you, too! Thanks for the word of confidence on the Bible study...I'm really excited about it! Okay, sorry this comment got a little out of hand! ;)
Happy Birthday Anna Kate and Add!...a little late, but better than never! We love you and hope to see you in the Fall!
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