Finish the Statements. . .
Maybe I should be working out.
I love the smell of steaks and chicken on the grill.
People would say that I love babies.
I don’t understand why .
When I wake up in the morning I want to go back to sleep.
I lost my willpower to exercise.
If there's a dessert in the room I'm ignoring it (at least for the moment).
Life is a precious gift.
My past made me want to guard my children's hearts.
I get annoyed when Victoria's Secret commercials show up in the middle of my children's television programs/movies.
Parties are not a good time to have a meltdown.
Dogs are tollerable.
Cats are not, seeing as Austin is allergic.
Tomorrow is only a day away.
I have low tolerance for my children when they argue.
I’m totally terrified of being morbidly obese.
I always knew I would . . .I don't know if I've ever always known anything.
Never in my life have I bungy jumped.
High school was awkward and not knowing who I was.
When I’m nervous I pray and bite my fingernails.
Take my advice When it comes to parenting your children, it's ok to pick & choose your battles, just remember to let other people do the same.
Making my bed rarely happens--Sorry mom!
I'm almost always trying to figure out what we're having for dinner.
I’m addicted to sugar.
I want someone to fix my facebook account.
I tag: anyone that's reading this and wants to give it a try!
Definitely ok =-) with me. I enjoyed reading and getting to know more about you, thanks for sharing!
I totally get your frustrations with commercials. It never fails that I'll be watching a game or a movie or something and some bad commercials will come on.
So fun to hear from you and get to know a few more quirky things about you. Did I say quirky? I mean unique and beautiful, of course. I'm sure you translated.
Love your picture of the moment!
Thanks for the message. I really needed it this evening. I appreciate you.
Hey Hannah,
I stole your tag and posted it.
I love you!!! I miss you this week--hope you are having fun w/ the fam!
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