Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 23

So many events have happened on this day. It is a happy-sad/sad-happy day for me. If I had to define the word bittersweet, I would need only say, "April 23rd". For one, just 40 years ago today, Kevin was born. So happy birthday baby! Below are pictured just a few of the reasons why I love you so much. I love your goofy side as well as your serious side. Your strength and support continually overwhelm me. What a joy it is to be your wife, your partner, your lover and your friend!

Parenting with you inspires me to be a better mom. The way you love our children is a blessing that goes far beyond anything they could ever realize. But you should know that it doesn't go unnoticed. I notice how you lead them, touch them, love them, kiss them, play with them, celebrate with them and show Jesus to them. Thank you for journeying down our road with me, wherever it has been and wherever it leads us. I would not want to do this with anyone else. I love you. Happy Birthday!

But April 23rd also carries some heavy memories for me also. In 1995, I had a tubal pregnancy that exploded my right fallopian tube. The doctor told Kevin after the surgery that he couldn't save the tube and that we would possibly never have children. Well, we all know how that turned out. But there's still a part of me that mourns the loss of one that never came to be. . .

But then, on April 23, 2005, I went into labor with our fifth child. I thought Asa would make a great birthday present for his daddy, but God had other plans. And although I labored all day on the 23rd, Asa didn't make his grand appearance until 6:41 am on the 24th. So Asa will celebrate his 3rd birthday tomorrow!

And then there was April 23, 2007. I don't really have any great words, but I miss Knox so very much. I feel his loss daily. I know he celebrates now, for he sees and knows far more than I can even comprehend. But I hope. And I look forward to being with him again one day, along with others I know and love who have gone on before me. What a day of rejoicing that will be! I love you Knox. Oh, how I miss you!


Kierstyn said...

Happy birthday Kevin! Are you really 40 years young?!

Asa, happy early birthday to you too! Enjoy your yummy, yummy, cake!!

Praying for you today Hannah!

Anonymous said...

1. Happy Birthday, Kevin. You are very cool now that you are 40.

2. I love you Hannah. My heart breaks for you as it breaks for the Andersons and the Colemans and everyone else. I have been just hurting all day long.

The Lord bless you and keep your heart at peace.

rachel said...

Hannah...Some of the above I didn't know; at least that they took place on this day.Praying for the range of emotions. Tell they guys happy birthday from us.

ninepoundhammer said...

I love the video game picture of PC and KLA--choice! Just remember, Kev: 40 is the new 50!