Austin asked me to post. I don't really have thoughts that I can post today, so here are some pictures for you to enjoy. Marian is the photographer. Thanks Mar.
Ayden getting ready to go down the slide.
My friend, Ashlee with Cara Beth.
Cara Beth atop the slide.
Austin joins the fun.
Asa, just a swingin'
Gracie Mae, Ashlee's (and Matt's) daughter.
Ashlee was telling me all about the fun on the slide! Man, I miss all the good stuff. :-)
Did I tell you that Micah and Elizabeth both fell asleep on the way home from your house? I wasn't surpirsed by Micah, since he never napped, but I was shocked when Elizabeth went out! NExt time I need a break in teh afternoon, I'm bringing the kids to your house to get them good and tired!
What sweet faces. I love these kiddos.
Marian :)
That sure is a herd of cute kiddos :).
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