Six of our seven players had games this morning. While watching Austin and Joshua play, the kids had fun playing in the back of dad/Uncle Kevin's truck. Here are Ayden and Micah, who both played well today. I couldn't keep track of all the goals in Ayden's game. The other team scored, then we scored. It just kept going back and forth. Ayden said he got a goal too, but I missed it. I was trying to watch his game and Austin's at the same time. Micah's team won and he had 2 goals. Wahoo Wahoo!!
Cara Beth is such a cutie petutie.
Asa and I (or do I say, "Asa and me"?)
Joshua and Austin played an all-girls team. There are only 2 all-girl teams in their age division, so they get to play the boys. The boys won today. Joshua had 2 goals. Way to go Joshua! Here is one of them. If you click on it, you can see it better.
After his 2 goals, he played keeper. Here he is manning his post.
Austin played a good game too. He had some shots on goal. I missed much of his game as I was watching Ayden play on another field. Here he is dribbling the ball.
Anna-Kate's team got a win today. She played some in the beginning, but was having leg cramps so then she sat out. Here's the only action shot of her today.
After half-time, coach put her in as keeper, which I thought was very considerate of him, seeing as she still got to play. All the action was happening at the other end of the field, so she didn't have to run, and her coach gave her a big high five when she came off the field. Although the action was occurring on the other side of the field, you can see that Anna-Katie didn't have much trouble finding ways to pass the time. . .
And a smile for the camera too!
Hee Hee! Anna Kate is a cutie too. It was another "diamond day" for sure. I'm so glad you have a blog. I'll have to link my blog to your blog so Wade's family can see the pictures too. Love you, Marian :)
Those are more great picture, especially of Anna Kate!
Way to go Teams!!!! How cool is that. Nice Playing Everyone. Love the Pics. 143 Aunt Sarah
we miss seeing you on the soccer fields!!! and I think it is hotter at Veterans park...really!
Oh, so much to comment on:
1. I love that the kids play in the back of the truck--talk about being safe!
2. I never knew how to spell "petutie" until you posted about Cara Beth. Thank you.
3. I think it's "Asa and me" but I am terrible with the grammar and Andrew will probably correct me on this one. LOL
4. Thanks for posting those pictures. What a beautiful day! =)
These are some adorable pictures!! Anna Kate looks like she's having fun out there on the field. :-) Give all your kids a hug for me!!!! We miss you guys over here in Qatar!!!!!
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