Austin was tagged by his Aunt Sarah over at her blog. (I tried to link it Sarah, but couldn't figure it out.) I looked for a picture of him with his Aunt Sarah, but to no avail. So, here he is with one of his favorite people, Ms. Hart. We miss you Ms. Hart.
Here are Austin's random facts. . .
1. I sort of want to be a scientist.
2. I like to play Guitar Hero.
3. I like to drink Coca Cola. (He is only allowed to drink 2 glasses of it on Sundays.)
4. I am afraid to fly in an airplane, even though I have done it before. (When he was younger, he wanted to be a pilot.)
5. I love to eat rolls (especially Sister Shubert ones).
6. I play basketball and soccer and I would like to give baseball a try.
7. I wish we had a zoo here. Every other place we have lived has had a zoo and we always went together as a family. I miss that.
8. Cracker Barrel is my favorite restaurant.
Yay for baseball!! Austin, I'll toss the "pill" with you anytime you like!
Hey Austin,
I'm so flattered that you put a picture of you and me for your "randomness" post. I've missed y'all too and hope I can come down to TX to visit sometime, maybe even get in some babysitting :)
Looks like y'all are doing well in soccer, wish I was there to watch you as I was a big soccer player growing up. Keep being that awesome big brother that you are and give Addison, Anna Kate, Ayden, Asa, Joshua, Christopher, Micah, and Cara Beth a hug for me!!
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