FIVE WORDSMy friend, Rachel blogged about 5 words which someone had passed onto her. So I commented on her post and told her to send 5 words my way and I, too, would play along. The thing is, I completely forgot about it until she reminded me yesterday. Sorry Rachel. And since I'm taking the afternoon off from schooling, I thought I'd take a moment to make good on my word, or 5 words, in this case. The words are:
shopping, windows, grass, rain and tv.
I wonder if it's ok to put my first two words together. . .
Window ShoppingWindow shopping reminds me of when I was little and my parents would take me out on my birthday. Every year, around our birthday, dad and mom would come and pick Marian and me up from school and take us out to lunch, then a movie and then a new pair of shoes was in order. This was back in the day before malls and all the shops were lined up in a row downtown.
As we walked from shoe store to shoe store, mom would look in all the store windows and comment about whatever was on display. I never understood the point of what she called "window shopping". Most of the time when she saw something she liked, she just commented on it and moved on. I always wanted to go in, but we rarely did. I guess with 9 kids, she gave up a lot. That makes me grateful and a little sad too.
GrassAll the way through junior high and high school, I was the one in my house who was responsible for mowing our lawn. My dad told me he would pay for my cheerleading camp (approximately $100), if I kept up with the grass all summer. I think he got the better end of that deal. We had a HUGE yard, ya'll.
Also, I once heard Kevin say that he thought a woman should never have to push a mower. I'm not saying that that was
the moment I knew he was the one for me, but it sure didn't hurt his chances either. Over the course of our marriage, I think I've "pushed the mower" twice. Not bad odds, I'd say.
RainJust the word, "rain" makes me a little melancholy. Makes me want to sleep in, read a good book, take in a sappy movie, walk with my honey, go for a run, or watch a marathon Monk, NCIS or Law and Order on USA. I love a good rain. It's good for the soul.
Oh, and I almost forgot. The word "rain" also makes me think of my friend, Kierstyn, who commented once about what she likes about going to Six Flags in the rain. I can't really repeat it here, but trust me, it is hilarious. ;)
TVI have a love/hate relationship with television. Almost everynight, I go to sleep watching ESPN (Kev's choice) or some show on channel 23. USA is my network of choice as my favorite shows are
Law and Order (doesn't matter which one),
Monk and
House (I hate to admit that one).
Our kids like
Full House and
Phineus and Ferb. Both are relatively harmless, pretty silly and yet offer opportunities of discussion (about world views, teenage angst, etc.) that have been good for us, as parents, to have with our kids.
I hate, Hate, HATE commercials. They have become too worldly, too sexy, too suggestive, too everything. It seems like everytime we think we're watching something harmless, like a game on ESPN, or a "family" movie, we are bombarded with images, words and world views that are contrary to our own. Ya know the childhood song, "Be Careful Little Eyes What You See", well, tv makes it difficult to guard your children's eyes (and adult eyes, for that matter) from seeing more than they should.
So there ya go. If you wanna play along, just comment and I'll send 5 words your way too.