Rachel told me it could be done in 3 days. I didn't believe her. But there's proof in the pudding, as the saying goes. Asa went all day without an accident; however, each time he went it was on my initiative and not his own. Either way, I think the most difficult part is over--at least I hope it is--and we have made the switch from diapers to big boy underwear.
On a side note, we're going to continue with the pullups at night for a bit; although, he could probably just go ahead a switch there too because most mornings he wakes up dry. I just want to give him a little more time since waking up wet, I'm sure, is no fun.
Way to go Asa. I'm so proud of you. Aunt Mar and Mrs. Rachel knew you could do it. :)
I'm so proud of you! And Hannah I'm proud of you too, because I think you went through with it even though you weren't ready and you weren't sure he was ready either. It's hard to accomplish a task when the confidence isn't there.
Yep! I knew you could both do it!! Now if only 3 day magic could make Creed sleep all night!!!..Rachel
Yay Asa!!!!!
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