This is Marian posting for Hannah.
They took Asa back to TX Children's Hospital in Houston by ambulance. Hannah rode in the ambulance with Asa and Kevin followed in the van. Asa's white blood cell was up again and the enzyme count of that one enzyme that I can never remember the name of was also elevated (15,500 fyi Sarah) When Asa first woke up from his nap earlier today the pain was pretty bad and Hannah didn't waste any time. She had him at the ER pretty quickly and even though it was really crowded they admitted him right away. Bloodwork was completed within 2 hrs. (This was fast compared to last time) The 3 hours we spent in the ER Asa struggled some with pain, but not nearly as bad as last time, and there was no pain medicine given. The doctor went ahead and ordered it in case Asa would need it in the ambulance. So that's what I know for now. Thanks so much for praying. Also, last time some of you sent emails through the hospital website, and I know this was a great encouragement. And even after Asa came home, the hospital snail mailed those emails that came after Asa was released. So I'm going to paste that address below again. It's real easy to do. I did it with each kid and it took about 10 minutes. Average time 1 minute 10 seconds per kid). And the hospital takes each email and puts it on its own individual 5x7 post card. They are very cute, and I know that Asa, Kevin and Hannah loved them all. Thank you so much for your prayers. Well, motherhood and "aunt hood" are both calling. Thank you so much for your prayers.
The website is:
Oh dear!!! We will pray for you guys!!!
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