1. Kevin was quite the prankster in college. He has never met a building he couldn't get into or a lock he couldn't pick. He once broke into my dorm room and left me a card and some presents that I didn't find until I woke up the next morning.
Another time he broke into the library on campus (by climbing in an upstairs window)to accomplish some kind of prank and was met inside the window by the Librarian who asked, "May I help you?" He came up with some "story" about having to copy some info. from a resource and then said Librarian "helped" him find the book and then let him make copies before letting him back out the front door.
Once he and a bunch of his buddies took all the hot water handles off of the girls showers in one of the dorms. I think it took 3 or 4 days to get that one straightened out. It wasn't pretty with all those girls walking around without having their showers. Kevin and his co-horts had to do "time" for that one and got stuck re-painting the lobby of the guys dorm.
Whenever there was an eventful prank on campus, the dean of students, Dean Krall, would head to Kevin's door first. Dean Krall would always say, "Did you do it? If you didn't, you know who did." I am sure that Kevin has gotten credit for things he didn't do just because of all the things he did do.
2. Kevin was in Jr. ROTC when he was in high school and was the 2nd highest ranking officer in the state. I always thought he would join the army and become a ranger.
3. He can play the drums.
4. He worked in the grocery business for 12 years before joining Best Buy. He loves grocery stores. Whenever we go on vacation, he checks out all the grocery stores within a 10 mile radius of where ever we stay.
5. Kevin acquired the nickname, "Smokey", from a close friend in West Virginia, because he used to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Thankfully, he doesn't smoke anymore.
6. Kevin is an only child, but when he first went to college, he and his cousin, Brad, told everyone they were brothers. When they finally tried to "come clean" that they were only cousins, people didn't believe them.
7. He proposed to me in a hot air balloon, on a morning of which, I was sure, he was going to break up with me. THAT turned out way better than I expected. ;)
8. I think if he had to choose one person he could meet, on this side of heaven, it would be Mark Martin, the NASCAR driver.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I WISH I had known Kevin in college. Now that would have been fun!
I have no problem if Kevin wants to go to the grocery store for me since he likes them so much :).
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