since it is Thanksgiving. Maybe I'll do the 8 things you don't know about me another day. Maybe I won't.
1. I'm thankful for Kevin. He loves the Lord and he loves me. He inspires me to be a better mom because he is such a great dad. I'm thankful for his ability and commitment to work hard at everything he does. I'm thankful for his ability to see when I'm stressed or struggling and not ignore it. He often can make me laugh through my tears. I love that.
2. I'm thankful for Austin. He offers a helping hand to the moms in our church by looking out for the little ones. He has a tender heart and a deep sense of commitment when it comes to his friends. He plays sports with that same sense of commitment and he is very coachable. He has a desire to be obedient to God and to his parents. I love that.
3. I'm thankful for Addison. He seems quiet and reserved on the outside, like his daddy, but he has a quick wit and a great sense of humor. He loves music and video games. He is our night owl and can often be found after 10:00 pm reading a book or playing some lone adventure game in his bed. He is a natural athlete, and like his brother, is coachable. He is quick to admit his sin and say he is sorry. I love that.
4. I'm thankful for Anna-Kate. She is outgoing and fun. She has a boatload of energy and does her best to keep up with the boys in her life. She enjoys her ballet and art classes, and then it's off to soccer and basketball. She's a giggly girl during playtime and an attentive learner during classtime. She prays earnestly every night for the Fergusons and the Andersons, and that she'll get a cat for Christmas. I love that.
5. I'm thankful for Ayden. He has spunk and a laugh that would melt a heart of steal. He notices when I am sad and offers comfort with hugs and kisses. His favorite color is orange and he loves to play with his good friend, Jack. He's a cuddler and he's ticklish under his chin. He sits on my lap during church every Sunday. I love that.
6. I'm thankful for Asa. He wants his "grace" bar (nutra-grain bar) first thing every morning, even before hugs and kisses. I usually make him hug me first anyway. He is very verbal and can usually tell you in complete sentences what he wants to say. When I have been gone, or just after his nap, he greets me with enthusiasm and excitement. I love that.
7. I'm thankful for the parents and the siblings God gave me. My parents taught me about Jesus from a very young age. I don't ever remember a time that He wasn't a part of our lives. I love each of my sisters and my brother and would proudly call them friends, even if we were not related. Mom, Dad, Beth, Laura, Jenna, Wyndi, Marian, Esther, Sarah and John, I love you and I thank God for you. I'm especially thankful that God allows me to live near my twin sister, Marian and her family. I can't believe we are raising our children together. I love that!
8. Most of all I am thankful to God for sending His own son to die and pay the penalty for my sin so that when I die, it is only an earthly death and not an eternal one. I so love that!
Hey friend -and I am thankful all of you and the privilege it is to call the Ayers friends and even more -family in Christ. Love to you all - and Anna Kate - I will join with you in praying for that cat. :)
Like Add, I like music too. And I'm thankful for my Texas cousins.
I was reading your blog with Addison standing behind me. He was as bright as your Christmas tree. Oh how your children know that you love them and it is beautiful to see! I love you and I am thankful to God for blessing me with a twin such as you.
Marian :)
I enjoyed reading this and these pictures are wonderful! What a beautiful and blessed family!
And you, Hannah, win the Most Photogenic Award for Thanksgiving 2007! I love all the pictures.
I love the pics :) Our family is finally well. Thanks for the prayers. Derek says you look good in the hat. It's was ok with me that he thought that....I hope that's ok with you :) I thought you might think that was cool. I think you look good in a hat too. 143
Hi Hannah! I can never find out how to reply to you!! I think this will go through! (What is your email address BTW?) Well thank you so much for your kind comments on our blog! It means alot to me that you guys check up on us! We do miss our WPC family but are slowly getting connected here in town and in our new church. We had a great time with ALL of our family coming up to visit during November. Some family we hadn't seen in a year or two...we'll get more pics up on the blog soon. We are currently looking for another dog. I still cry when I think of Macey. But Brandon and the kids are ready to find a pup (more like a young adult age dog) that we can serve and love and adopt into our family and grow with. Went down to the shelter today but didn't find quite the match. We'll keep looking! Well, your family looks so beautiful! It's amazing how even in a year I can see how much all the kids have grown! Give them a big hug hello for us all! And please tell Marian and Wade that we miss and love them as well! - Tanja
Sure blessed me to read your comments and see the pictures. We love you and are proud to know you. So thankful that Asa is doing better. It is a cold day in Tirana this December 20. Happy Birthday.
Dad and Mom
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