This week, a dear friend, probably my dad's best friend (besides my mom), went Home to be with our Jesus and also with others who have gone on before us. His name is Denzil Stonestreet. He had a stroke a couple of weeks ago and died a few days ago. I've been remembering him and his family lately and decided my random thoughts were blog worthy.
*Denzil and Elaine Stonestreet are the parents of 6 children (Dana, Wayne, Marilyn, Greg, Jan & David--not necessarily in that order--it's been a few years) and many more grandchildren and possibly a few great grandchildren by now. I spent many childhood hours in their home and on their property. When my parents went out of town and had to leave their children behind, the Stonestreet home became a second home to many of us at different times.
So many thoughts are going through my mind. Here are some of them in no particular order:
*Denzil taught me that peaches sliced up and covered in milk with a bit of sugar are delicious.
*I became a master air hockey player in their basement.
*Denzil gave us money whenever we let him pull our teeth. He once gave my sister, Esther, a $20 bill for pulling her tooth, but then told her she had to put $19 of it in the offering plate.
*Said sister, Esther, is named after Denzil's bride, Elaine. Esther's given name is Esther Elaine.
*Their dog, Sugar, was the namesake of our (the Ayerses) first pet, Sugar. The Stonestreet's Sugar and the Dabney's Precious were sister pups from the same litter and the reason I still have a fondness for black and white collies.
*Denzil and Elaine had a huge garden that they generously shared with us Dabneys (and probably others too.) I learned to pick and string green beans, pick and shuck corn, dig up potatoes and carrots, and tell when a tomato is ripe all under their instruction, and my mother's also. Much of the stringing and shucking was done on their front porch surrounded by family, good conversations and the makings of sweet memories. (Elaine & Denzil are on the far right of the picnic table. Next to Denzil is their daughter Jan and then their son, Dana is holding his daughter, Joanna. Behind them you can see their huge garden, where many life lessons were learned and memories made. The young lady getting a drink from the cooler is Sherry Smith. She also has gone on to be with Jesus. Just above her head, you can see a little blonde head. I think that belongs to one of my sisters, either Esther or Sarah.)

*The only time I fell out of a tree in which I climbed was at a church picnic at their house. It was the tree by the driveway/basketball court. Thankfully, no broken bones.
*I spent many hours in their cement pond with my sisters and friends and even witnessed a few friends get baptized there. Pictured below is my friend, Trent, being baptized by my dad. Denzil is in the left foreground of the pic.

*Denzil and Elaine are synonymous with loving, Christ-like, and true friends.
*It makes me wish I could have another son, so that I could name him Denzil.
*Denzil lived his life in such a way that Jesus shined from him. He loved his God, his wife, his family and his friends. I always felt comfortable and blessed to be in his presence. He was generous with his money and kind-hearted toward others. His wisdom was evident in everything around him, yet he was truly humble.
*There's something very comforting to me knowing that he has gone on to be with Jesus. Now he knows. . .just as he is fully known. But please pray for his family. He and Elaine were married for 60 years. Sixty! I can only imagine the deep sadness she is feeling saying goodbye to her sweet Denzil after all this time. Grief is such a difficult, multi-dimensional thing. My heart goes out to Elaine and the entire Stonestreet clan, who in more ways than one, is my own family. The funeral is tomorrow. Goodbye Denzil. I'm looking forward to the day when I'll walk streets of gold with you and rejoice in Jesus Christ, our Savior, together. Thank you for being such a Godly example in my life, for showing me what a husband and father should look like. Thank you for the friendship you gave my dad, my mom, our family. I miss you. I love you.
that was a lovely tribute, Hannah
Hannah, very well said. I can still see Denzil in the apple orchard making his way with walking stick in hand up the hill towards their house. I've not seen the newer home so all of the images in my mind are of their older home. It was a safe place where I felt truly loved. Even though I've not seen him in years and have spoken with Elaine on the phone only a few times in the last several years, I still love them so. What a treasure they are! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Now I'm feeling all nostalgic.
Marian :)
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