While at Co-op, Asa, Cara Beth and Jacob can't wait until Mrs. Julie comes. Because with Mrs. Julie always comes fun usually in the form of going outside and blowing bubbles or playing hide-n-seek in the room. Here, Asa and Cara Beth get as creative as they can while playing hide-n-seek in the nursery. . .Asa's in the bucket. Cara Beth is behind the ball. They are too cute.
Can't Asa see that the bucket reads, 'KEEP OUT'?!
i dont think that he is misbehaving in that regard matthew - rather he has cleverly positioned it to inform all passersby to stay out...in this case including the one doing the seeking
therefore - his "strategery" is impeccable
as a side not my word verification is serrever...hmmm
They are so sweet as we play hide and seek in a room with nowhere to hide. It's amazing how little it takes to make them smile.
cute, cute.
Mar :)
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