Tagged Again!This is probably the easiest way to get me to post something new. This time I was tagged by my sister, Sarah, who wants me to tell 17 random things about myself. Are you kidding me? Seventeen? Really? OK, but I'm not sure I can come up with 17 things you guys don't already know. Here goes. . .
1. If Austin had been a girl, his name would have been "Marian Talley". Talley is my mom's maiden name. And if Asa had been a girl, his name would have been "Alyvia LaNae". "Alyvia" because it was a name we both liked that we could spell with an "A". I can't remember the meaning now, but I know I liked it. LaNae is my niece, Hannah's, middle name.
2. When I see families with more children than we have and they seem happy and well-adjusted, I get jealous and wish we had more children.
3. If I know you and your children, I have most-likely prayed Psalm 119:133 for your kids, that God would direct their footsteps according to His word and let no sin rule over them.
4. I love to play Trivial Pursuit with Kevin, Boggle with my children, Apples to Apples with friends, and Freecell by myself.
5. My dream house would be shaped like a donut, with space for both sets of grandparents, a swimming pool and a full-size basketball court.
6. I told Asa that as soon as he started going to the bathroom on his own, that he could start spending the night with Aunt Marian with his siblings. He thought about that and while we were visiting Kevin at Best Buy, he said he had to go. I took him, he went "poopy in the potty" (sorry) and then proudly proclaimed, "I get to spend the night with Aunt Mar!" He hasn't done it since.
7. Cara Beth shares a birthday with Mark Martin, Kevin's favorite NASCAR driver. (OK, mine too.) Austin shares a birthday with Sterling Marlin and Aun Oui (Aunt Wyndi, my sister) shares a birthday with Jeff Burton, also NASCAR drivers. Austin knew these off the top of his head. He's trying to help me, because I'm still flabberghasted that I have to come up with SEVENTEEEN things. . .
8. I love being in church and then looking over and seeing that Kevin has arrived. He works on Sundays and he tries to take his lunch so that he can be there in time for the sermon, or most of it anyway.
9. Kevin grew up on Mountain View Avenue. I grew up on Monta Vista Drive, which means Mountain View. ;)
10. Kevin and I got a dog once when had been married about 2 years. Her name was Sugar, too (the name of our current pet/dog). We had her about a week, but I couldn't handle her. She was a 6-month old German Shepherd puppy and she was WI-LD. We must have looked very unsure when we bought her because the owners told us that if it didn't work out, we could bring her back. We took her back.
11. I have had 4 near-death experiences: a) I fell out of a moving car and into the street (half-way in the street & half-way in the Shop-a-Minute parking lot) when I was in second grade. Thankfully there was no oncoming traffic. Kids at school thought I had been beaten up. b) I had a hernia that almost ruptured and had to have emergency surgery to repair it (while in college). c) My first pregnancy was a tubal pregnancy that exploded in my right fallopian tube. Another emergency surgery followed. d) I got a blood clot in my left leg that ran from my groin to my ankle while pregnant with Anna-Kate. Spent 8 days in the hospital and 6 weeks on bed rest.
12. All semester, my kids have been praying that it would snow this winter and that it would snow enough that they would be able to play in it and enjoy it. This morning, God gave them the answer they were hoping for. We got snow and they played and played and played.
Thank You LORD for Your great love for us.
13. I have pretty terrific in-laws. I remember visiting them when we had 3 kids, ages 1, 3, and 5 and going into their immaculate home thinking, "Our children are going to break something or mess something up." They have a beautiful home and I was so worried about us taking our young 'uns into their "fragile" abode, but Papaw must have read the stress on my face because he instantly told me not to worry about anything in the house. He said they didn't have one thing in their home that was more important to them than their grand children. He said the kids could pick up anything in the house they wanted and if they broke it, he'd clean it up. Simple as that. When we visited again, this time with 5 children in-tow, the rules were still the same--the children were way more important than the things. I LOVE my in-laws and so appreciate them, even more than I can say. I wish we saw them more.
14. I watch Law & Order as I'm falling asleep just about every night. It doesn't matter which one, I enjoy all three: the original, SVU and Criminal Intent.
15. I tend to be anemic and thus you will often find me chewing on ice. When I remember to take my iron for a long enough period of time (so that it builds up in my system), the desire for ice goes completely away.
16. Although it was nice to have the snow today, I'm glad that, by Friday, the temperature will be back into the 70s.
17. I miss my husband. He works ALOT this time of year. I miss him.