OK, I know Asa has been back home (again) for a week now,
but I'm just now getting to the blog. Sorry. He had a doctor's appointment today to check his enzyme levels. His lipase count was down from the last count of around 653 (I think) to 425 today (normal would be around 100). So, it is still elevated some, which might explain his several complaints of pain yesterday, but nowhere near the levels we saw before. They ran some genetic tests before we left the hospital, but it will be at least another week before we know any of those results. He now has a GI doc in Houston. They told us that a child of his age with 2 bouts of pancreatitis in such a short time of each other will buy him a GI doctor for a while. Please continue to keep him (and us) in your prayers. I think Kevin and I are both feeling a little "antsy" about the upcoming results of the genetic tests. We are trying to rest in the will of our Heavenly Father, whatever that may be, but admittedly, we are anxious, weary and struggling some. On a more positive note, Asa looks great and 99% of the time says he is feeling great. Today when we got to the doctor's office, he looked up at me and said, "My tummy's not hurting mommy, so we can go home now." He really has been such a trooper through this whole ordeal.
. . .We started back to school this week. Aunt Marian took school pictures for us. Here are my favorites:
Austin (11 years old)

Addison (9 years old)

Anna-Kate (7 years old)

Ayden (5 years old)

Asa (2 years old)

All of them together

Thanks Mar for the great pix. You are such a blessing in so many ways. I appreciate all you do for us. What a great wife, mother, sister, aunt, and friend you are! I love you.