In keeping with tradition, here are 19 things I love about my husband:
19. He hangs Christmas lights on the outside of the house.
18. He apologizes when he hurts my feelings.
17. He slows his stride with me so that I'm not 10 paces behind his long-leggedness.
16. I say it every year, but I do love it when he holds my hand in public.
15. He plays with our children and nieces and nephews.
14. He picks up dinner on his way home from work when he knows it will help me.
13. He's not afraid to wash dishes/do laundry even after working hard all day.
12. He looks hot in a pair of levi's, cowboy boots, pearl-snap shirt and hat.
11. He knows how to talk through conflict without losing his head (unlike me).
10. His sense of humor is witty, often dry and very clever.
9. He sends me texts throughout his busy day to let me know he's thinking of me.
8. He covers me with prayer before he leaves for work everyday.
7. He knows his sports and politics.
6. He buys granola because he knows I like it.
5. He loves his parents.
4. He loves my parents.
3. He knows how to keep a secret.
2. He hates facebook, but is ok with me loving it.
1. He never gives up on us.